
Buchanan County Precinct List

Please note this is the most up-to-date precinct list available. Your precinct location information can be found on your voter registration card. If you have any questions about where you vote or how to get there please call the Clerk's office at 271-1412.

If you are a candidate or organization wishing to campaign or collect signatures for petitions at a polling place on Election Day; you must follow all state statutes or you will be asked to leave. If you have any questions please call the Clerk's office at 271-1412.


Please note this is the most up-to-date precinct list available. Your precinct location information can be found on your voter registration card. If you have any questions about where you vote or how to get there please call the Clerk's office at 271-1412.

If you are a candidate or organization wishing to campaign or collect signatures for petitions at a polling place on Election Day; you must follow all state statutes or you will be asked to leave. If you have any questions please call the Clerk's office at 271-1412.


Buchanan County Precinct List
Parent Page County Clerk's Office
Header Menu No content items.


Department Name

County Clerk's Office


411 Jules Street, Room 121, Saint Joseph, MO 64501



Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM


twitter: @BuchananCoClerk

We are open during lunch hours.
