
Address and/or Name Change for a Registered Voter

If you are currently a registered voter in Buchanan County and your address and/or name has changed, please download/print the form(s) and fill out completely. If you have any questions, you can call the Clerk's office at 271-1412.

Mail to:
Buchanan County Clerk's Office
411 Jules Room 121
St. Joseph, Missouri 64501

or scan form and email [email protected]

  1. Address Change Request Form (PDF)
  2. Name Change Request Form (PDF)

If you are currently a registered voter in Buchanan County and your address and/or name has changed, please download/print the form(s) and fill out completely. If you have any questions, you can call the Clerk's office at 271-1412.

Mail to:
Buchanan County Clerk's Office
411 Jules Room 121
St. Joseph, Missouri 64501

or scan form and email [email protected]

  1. Address Change Request Form (PDF)
  2. Name Change Request Form (PDF)
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Address and/or Name Change for a Registered Voter
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Department Name

County Clerk's Office


411 Jules Street, Room 121, Saint Joseph, MO 64501



Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM


twitter: @BuchananCoClerk

We are open during lunch hours.
